The leading platform for LOCAL SEA Creators to monetize and build business
Easily build a personal websites without coding
The leading platform for Creators
make money and build a business
Create Mini Website
Brand Booking
Business Optimization
Create Mini Website

Create a personal website within 3 minutes
- All free
- 100+ readily-made templates
- Customize easily on mobile phone
- Diverse monetization features
- Sell any types of product. Choose your own domain:

Tích hợp 5 tính năng kiếm tiền giúp tối đa hoá thu nhập
- Affiliate, Digital product, Virtual gift, Donation, Nhận Booking
- Cổng thanh toán nội địa: Momo, Shopee Pay, VNPay,…
Brand Booking

Nhận booking với nhãn hàng trong 1 nốt nhạc
- Passio hỗ trợ xây dựng Booking Profile
- Bộ tài liệu liệu truyền thông giúp chuyên nghiệp hoá hình ảnh của KOL/KOC với các nhãn hàng.
Business Optimization

Quản trị thông minh
- Báo cáo phân tích chi tiết
- Dễ dàng quản lý thông tin khách hàng
- Hỗ trợ 1:1
The leading platform for creators
make money and build a business

Create a personal website within 3 minutes
- All free
- 100+ readily-made templates
- Customize easily on mobile phone
- Diverse monetization features
- Sell any types of product. Choose your own domain:

Generate leads. Sell stuffs. Maximize income
- Affiliate: Generate link from ecommerce platforms. Get commission per transaction
- Sell all your products such as eBooks, templates, digital documents, guidelines, online courses
- Local payment gateway in Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia

Attract Brand booking by professional online profile
- Showcase your true personality and values
- Establish yourself as an authority in your niche
- Present values that align with the brand
- Automatically get Booking requests

Optimize your business with Passio
- Detailed analytical reports
- Easy customer information management
- 1:1 support